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Daily Meditation

from Peaceful Living
by Mary Mackenzie

If we ourselves remain angry and then sing world peace, it has little meaning. First, our individual self must learn peace. This we can practice. Then we can teach the rest of the world.
–The Dalai Lama

Day 1: Setting New Goals for the Year

What do you want to focus on this year? What are your goals, hopes and dreams?

It’s important to make your goals concrete and specific. Don’t just say that you want to be happier; consider how you would like your life to be different. What if your goal is to support world peace by living your own life more peacefully? Consider the specific ways you will do this, such as learning Nonviolent Communication, taking a course on anger management, working a twelve-step program or seeing a therapist.

If your goal is to contribute to world peace, your actions can be very specific and concrete. Avoid focusing on what you don’t want, such as conflict at work. Rather, focus on what you do want, such as harmony at work. When your goals are concrete and positively worded, you can begin to manifest them. This simple process can have a profound impact on your success.

Take a few minutes today to write down your goals for the year, knowing that the goal-setting process is the first step toward manifesting your dreams.

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Here is a link to the book, Peaceful Living. It makes a wonderful gift for yourself, friends, colleagues, or loved ones.

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