How to Empathize with Donald Trump,
More on Empathy and Appreciation
NVC Quick Connect April 2017
Sent Wednesday, April 5, 2017
What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:

Empathy as Resistance: Adversaries Shouldn't see Trump As A Monster.
"What Empathy is"…And What it’s not – Thom Bond
"The Power of Thanks"- More About Appreciation – Thom Bond

Thom Bond, author of The Compassion Course Online, talks about empathy and compassion

Other Good Stuff:
Lessons with Meditating with the Dalai Lama
NVC3 now available in Spanish
Quotes by Marshall Rosenberg
Facebook and Yahoo NVC resources
Almost NVC Cartoon
Book Specials:
Nonviolent Communication 3rd edition
The Empathy Factor
Peaceful Living
Anger, Guilt and Shame

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​​​​​Featured Article
Empathy as Resistance: Adversaries Shouldn’t see Trump As A Monster
~ Steven Wineman , Cognocenti contributor
The Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn has observed that when we do violence to others, we do violence to ourselves. This is the cost of dehumanizing Trump. But it also offers a window into the injuries that Trump himself suffers from his attitudes and behavior. Read More...


Steven Wineman is the author of "The Politics of Human Services" (South End Press) and "Power-Under: Trauma and Nonviolent Social Change" ( He retired in 2014 after working in community mental health for 35 years.

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Article #2
"What Empathy is"…And What It’s Not
By Thom Bond
The hearing that is only in the ears is one thing. The hearing of understanding is another. But the hearing of the spirit is not limited to any one faculty, to the ear or the mind. Hence it demands emptiness of all of the faculties. And when the faculties are empty, the whole being listens. There is then a direct grasp of what is right there before you that can never be heard with the ear or understood with the mind."-Chuang-Tzu
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Thom Bond, author of The Compassion Course Online, talks about empathy and compassion
  "Empathy, of course, is a special kind of understanding. It's not an understanding of the head where we just mentally understand what another person says. It's something far deeper and more precious than that. Empathic connection is an understanding of the heart in which we see the beauty in the other person, the divine energy in the other person, the life that's alive in them." 
~ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Marshall Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life (3rd ed)
Article #3
"The Power of Thanks"- More About Appreciation 
By Thom Bond
The greatest of all gifts is the power to estimate things at their true worth." -François de la Rochefoucauld

  • Appreciation versus Praise
  • Living in Appreciation
  • Receiving Appreciation
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April Specials
Special #1
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life 3rd Ed
Most of us are hungry for skills to improve the quality of our relationships, to deepen our sense of personal empowerment or to simply communicate more effectively. Unfortunately, for centuries our prevailing culture has taught us to think and speak in ways that can actually perpetuate conflict, internal pain and even violence. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life partners practical communication and emotional literacy skills with a powerful consciousness and vocabulary to help you create the life you want peacefully. 

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What is Violent Communication?
If “violent” means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then much of how we communicate—judging others, bullying, having racial bias, blaming, finger pointing, discriminating, speaking without listening, criticizing others or ourselves, name-calling, reacting when angry, using political rhetoric, being defensive or judging who’s “good/bad” or what’s “right/wrong” with people—could indeed be called “violent communication.”

What is Nonviolent Communication?
Nonviolent Communication is the integration of 4 things:
  • Consciousness: a set of principles that support living a life of compassion, collaboration, courage and authenticity. 
  • Language: understanding how words contribute to connection or distance
  • Communication: knowing how to ask for what we want, how to hear others even in disagreement, and how to move toward solutions that work for all
  • Means of influence: sharing “power with others” rather than using “power over others”
NVC serves our desire to do three things:
  1. Increase our ability to live with choice, meaning, and connection
  2. Connect emphatically with self and others to have more satisfying relationships
  3. Sharing of resources so everyone is able to benefit
“Nonviolent Communication shows us a way of being very honest, without any criticism, insults, or put-downs, and without any intellectual diagnosis implying wrongness."
~ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Marshall Rosenberg
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List Price: $19.95 
Book: $4.95
eBook: $3.95​​​​​​​
Special #2​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The Empathy Factor
Your Competitive Advantage for Personal, Team, and Business Success
by Marie R. Miyashiro, APR

In this groundbreaking book, award-winning communication and organizational strategist Marie Miyashiro explores the missing element business leaders must employ to build profits and productivity in the new economy—Empathy.

Search Inside This Book: 
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List Price: $19.95
Book: $4.95
eBook: $3.95
Special #3
Peaceful Living
Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing and Compassion
by Mary Mackenzie
Find 366 insightful and inspirational daily meditations to ground you in the power of compassionate, conscious living.

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List Price: $19.95
Book: $4.95
eBook: $3.95
Special #4
Anger, Guilt and Shame (eBook)
Reclaiming Power and Choice (published by Friare Liv AB)
by Liv Larsson

This book can help you make shame, guilt and anger your allies instead of your enemies. Learn how they can become keys to nurturing your inner life and to realizing your dreams. (Kindle, PDF & EPUB).

Search Inside This Book:

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

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List Price: $22.95
eBook: $3.95 
"Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. Instead of offering empathy, we often have a strong urge to give advice or reassurance and to explain our own position or feeling. Empathy, however, calls upon us to empty our mind and listen to others with our whole being. 

In nonviolent communication, no matter what words others may use to express themselves, we simply listen for their observations, feelings, needs, and requests. Then we may wish to reflect back, paraphrasing what we have understood. We stay with empathy, allowing others the opportunity to fully express themselves before we turn our attention to solutions or requests for relief.

We need empathy to give empathy. When we sense ourselves being defensive or unable to empathize, we need to 
(A) stop, breathe, give ourselves empathy, 
(B) screamed nonviolently, or 
(C) take time out."
~ ​​​​​​​Marshall Rosenberg
© Sven Hartenstein.(used with permission)